Featured Products

Special QAPI package
QAPI and Annual Report package:
Set Up Fee One TIme $50.00
Monthly ACH draw: $267.00 and it includes the following:
1. QAPI reports for your agency up to 4 reports/year
2. Audits to include and obtain the data to do the QAPI reports as required by Texas Administrative Code 558
3. Annual Review of the QA Program report  (due annually)
4. Preparation of one table top emergency drill for you to execute 
5. Annual Gov Body meeting minutes with assistance in preparing your budget for you (annual budget)
The direct link for our QAPI package and sign up is located here: http://compliancereviewservices.com/consulting-qapi.asp
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COVID19 Screening Form

 This is a screening tool to ensure staff do not have s/s Covid that can be completed. Maintained in a binder, and to show surveyors as part of your Covid management in addition to your infection control/Universal Precautions policies. This will prohibit staff, visitors, health care workers from seeing patients or entering your offices if they are positive on the screening form.  
